Widget NOVA

Combining duplicates of a leads in Kommo

Automatic merging of duplicates of the transaction. The widget glues duplicates of transactions of one contact. As soon as a duplicate appears in the system, the widget combines the transaction data. When combining in the final transaction, all non-empty fields in doubles are filled in, if the same field is filled in doubles, a value is selected from the settings you selected.
In the settings, you can choose which way to combine the transaction:
In the direction of the senior transaction - all duplicates will be combined into a transaction created earlier than others
Combining in order in the block - transactions will be combined by priority in the block, the lower the priority.
Configuring the widget
In the settings:
1. You can select the fields in which you want to replace/leave values
2. You can select the replace rules/leave values in the fields
3. You can choose which entity will be merged (by default: Main contact):
  • Main contact
  • For any contact in the transaction
  • Company
  • Main contact + Company (the association takes place either by the Main contact or by the Company
4. You can select the setting that the task was set after the connection
  • Click on the checkbox
  • Select the type of task
  • Enter the task text
5. You can choose which way to combine transactions:
  • Towards the senior deal
  • Priority in order in the block (the last ones are the most important)
6. Additional field matching check - in this drop-down list, you can select the field that should match the transactions to be combined. If the fields in two transactions match or the field is empty in one transaction, then the merge will occur. If they do not match, then there will be no unification accordingly.

Gluing is configured through blocks, blocks are not glued together, but transactions will be glued inside the block if they have the same gluing essence

7. In the Block column, you need to select Funnels/The stages between which the gluing will take place
Important: in the "Undelivered" stage of the transaction, the widget does not merge.If you select COMBINE IN the select In the direction of the senior transaction field, it does not matter in which order you select the Funnels/The stages of gluing will take place towards the senior transaction
If you select in the COMBINE ASIDE field, select the Priority in the order in the block (the last ones are the priority), then after selecting the Funnels/They can be moved by choosing the priority, the union will occur in the last Stage/Funnel from the list

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